Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul II statues worldwide vis-a-vis Paterno statue gone from Penn State. Only the Catholic Church glorifies criminals
Updated August 24, 2012
NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy
http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/ncaa-penn-state-more-moral-than-vatican.html .In this post, we will show how the Vatican Titanic is sinking in moral bankruptcy because beginning with John Paul II, the Catholic Church glorifies criminal while secular American laws and values give victims justice, especially in the case of Jerry Sandusky who was jailed for life for abusing 10 boys and Paterno, the famous football coach who covered him up has now been dethroned from his pedestal, his statue removed from Penn State University and all his winning awards stripped, read articles below and watch video. In contrast the IMMORAL John Paul II glorified Cardinal Bernard Law who covered-up more than 80 pedophile priests, which is enormous in comparison to Paterno’s cover-up of one pedophile.
Then what do the Opus Dei and Benedict XVI do to John Paul II who papal farted at us Bostonians by elevating Cardinal Bernard Law as High Priest of the mother of all basilicas of Rome – after we forced him to resign as Archbishop of Boston? Benedict XVI is beatifying and canonizing John Paul I as the fastest tracking saint. read more here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html
John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/john-paul-ii-patron-of-pederasts-and.html
This reading from Ezekiel best describes Opus Dei Golden cow John Paul II who is being treated like a god. Ironically it is the reading for Saint Pius X.
July 28, 2012
Today is the 10th year anniversary of the vision of Paris Arrow at the last World Youth Day of John Paul II in July 28, 2002, when St. Michael the Archangel asked JP2 to repent and apologize before the world youth for his cover-up of pedophile priests especially the ones erupting out in
During 10 years Paris Arrow has obeyed Christ and St. Michael and Our Lady of the Sea, Stella Maris, and her mission is to warn Catholics and the world not to worship the Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul Ii because like the Golden Cow of the Israelites in the desert, there is nothing John Paul II can do for children now that he is dead since he did nothing for them during his longest papacy.
We will post more images of statues of John Paul II worldwide here...

Disgraced coach Paterno's statue removed
US Penn State takes down the famed statue of Joe Paterno on a day when the NCAA is about to pass its punishment for the child sex abuse scandal.
Watch video http://www.smh.com.au/world/penn-state-fined-60m-over-sex-scandal-20120723-22l5i.html
Penn State Fined $60M, Banned From Bowls, Wins From 1998 On Vacated
Saying that the punishment is "warranted by the conspiracy of silence" among Penn State University's top leadership that turned a blind eye to former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of young boys, the NCAA just announced sanctions on the school that include:
— A $60 million fine. The money will go into an endowment fund to support programs around the nation that assist victims of sexual abuse, NCAA President Mark Emmert said.
— A ban on participation in post-season football bowl games for four years.
— A reduction in the number of football scholarships from 25 to 15 for four years.
— The vacating of all the football team's wins for the years 1998-2011. It was in 1998 that university officials first heard that Sandusky might be sexually abusing young boys.
The school, Emmert said, had allowed its athletic culture to go "horribly awry." And without naming former head coach Joe Paterno, Emmert said the school had allowed one person to become too powerful.
Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep and NPR's Tom Goldman talked about Penn State and the sanctions earlier today.
Update at 3:30 p.m. ET. Emmert Says Penn State Needs To Worry About Fixing Its Culture, Not Going To A Bowl Game:Earlier this afternoon, All Things Considered host Robert Siegel asked Emmert why — if the NCAA didn't want to impose the death penalty because that would punish too many people, including players, who had nothing to do with Sandusky's crimes or any coverup of them — it is denying current players the chance to go to bowl games?
That sanction is "certainly meant to have a punitive impact on the institution," Emmert said, not the players. And the message it should send, he added, is that "for the next four or five years, Penn State, don't worry about going to the Rose Bowl; worry about getting your culture right."
Much more from Robert's conversation with Emmert is due on today's All Things Considered. Click here to find an NPR station that broadcasts or streams the show. Later, we'll add the as-broadcast version of the interview to the top of this post
Penn State fined $60m over sex scandal
The National Collegiate Athletic Association slammed Penn State on Monday with an unprecedented series of penalties, including a $US60 million ($A58.1 million) fine, for the child sex abuse scandal that shook one of the largest and most lucrative sports programs in the country.
Though the NCAA stopped short of imposing the "death penalty" - shutting down the football program completely - the punishment is still crippling for a team that is trying to start over. Other sanctions include the loss of all once-legendary coach Joe Paterno's victories from 1998-2011.
Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, was found guilty in June of sexually abusing several young boys, at times on campus, sometimes after finding them through the charity he founded for at-risk youth.
The NCAA action came in the wake of a devastating report asserting that top university officials buried child sex abuse allegations against Sandusky more than a decade ago.
The investigative report by former FBI Director Louis Freeh found that Paterno and three other top Penn State administrators concealed sex abuse claims against Sandusky.
The NCAA said the $US60 million ($A58.1 million) fine is equivalent to the annual gross revenue of the football program. The money must be paid into an endowment for external programs preventing child sexual abuse or assisting victims and may not be used to fund such programs at Penn State.
"Football will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing and protecting young people," NCAA President Mark Emmert said.
Emmert cautioned last week that he hadn't ruled out the possibility of shutting down the football program altogether, saying he had "never seen anything as egregious" as the Sandusky scandal.
On Sunday, Penn State tore down a statue of Paterno on the six-month anniversary of his death from lung cancer at age 85.
The Paterno family released a statement criticising the decision, saying it was made in haste and before all the facts about Paterno's role in the Sandusky scandal were known.
In Washington, the White House said President Barack Obama believed "it was the right decision."
AP http://www.smh.com.au/world/penn-state-fined-60m-over-sex-scandal-20120723-22l5i.html#ixzz21xKyn29H
Before its removal from outside the school's football stadium on Sunday, a statue of former football coach Joe Paterno was covered. An independent report concluded he was among top university officials who failed to act when they learned that Jerry Sandusky might be sexually abusing young boys.
Paterno statue gone from Penn State: when will Weakland’s turn come?
SNAP Wisconsin
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director (Milwaukee)
Contact: 414.429.7259
Today, in a simple and obvious gesture of decency and justice to victims of child rape and sexual assault by Jerry Sandusky, Penn State officials removed coach Joe Paterno’s statue from university grounds.
Removing the statue is not simply some nice gesture to victims. It was done because Penn State officials realize that if they are going to rehabilitate the honor of their institution and make it worthy of respect and support, they cannot deliberately display a statue of a man who, for whatever contributions he has made to the university, failed to protect children when he could have easily done so. Paterno didn’t because he was more concerned about the school’s reputation than about the school’s actual moral integrity.
For years survivors of rape, sexual assault and abuse by scores of Milwaukee priests under the supervision of former Archbishop Rembert Weakland have begged the current Archbishop Jerome Listecki to remove from the Milwaukee Cathedral a prominent bronze relief of Weakland depicting himself in the place of Jesus protecting little children. Weakland concealed and transferred so many sex offender clerics that Joe Paterno’s actions at Penn State seem almost trivial in comparison in their scope and consequences.
But the real reason Listecki must remove Weakland’s bronze honor to himself, which Catholics are forced to pray and worship in the presence of, is not for the sake of survivors and our feelings about Weakland. It’s for the sake of what honor and decency the Catholic Church in Milwaukee might still stand for, especially as Listecki demands the indulgence of the federal bankruptcy court to shield Weakland and others from the consequences of decades of cover-ups.
Milwaukee’s bishops continue to be honored as statue of Joe Paterno is taken down
SNAP Wisconsin
In announcing his decision to remove the statue of Joe Paterno from outside of the Penn State football stadium Penn State President Rod Erickson stated that the 7 foot statue of Joe Pa “has become a source of division and an obstacle to healing”. Erickson added “I believe that, were it to remain, the statue would be a recurring wound to the multitude of individuals across the nation and beyond who have been the victims of child abuse”.
On the same day that a forklift lowered the statue of Penn State’s disgraced football coach onto a flatbed truck to be carried away and placed into storage the President of the NCAA Mark Emmert announced that “corrective and punitive measures” would be taken against Penn State adding that he had “never seen anything as egregious”. The NCAA will announce its sanctions against Penn State on Monday noting that they will be “well beyond what was done in the past”.
The bronze statue of Joe Paterno was removed and sanctions will be imposed against Penn State because Paterno and University officials covered up, concealed, and enabled the child sex crimes committed by football coach Jerry Sandusky. Sandusky was convicted of sexually assaulting at least 10 boys and is expected to spend the remainder of his life behind bars. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh described Paterno and his colleagues as having “total and consistent disregard” for the children Sandusky brutally assaulted.
In sharp contrast to what is taking place on the campus of Penn State University the Archdiocese of Milwaukee continues to honor and glorify those bishops who enabled and facilitated the rape and sexual assault of countless children. Despite a declaration of bankruptcy, and over 8,000 acts of reported abuse which span decades, the bishops of Milwaukee, including William Cousins, Rembert Weakland, and Richard Sklba are still provided with admiration and acclaim by church officials.
Penn State hit with unprecedented penalties for Sandusky scandal
July 22, 2012
By Edith Honan
(Reuters) - The governing body of U.S. college sports fined Penn State University $60 million and voided its football victories for the past 14 seasons in an unprecedented rebuke for the school's failure to stop coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.
NCAA President Mark Emmert said the school had put "hero worship and winning at all costs" ahead of integrity, honesty and responsibility.
Penn State was not given the so-called "death penalty" that could have suspended its football program but it was banned from post-season bowl games for four years and had the number of scholarships available to players reduced from 25 to 15.
Penn State officials were accused of not taking action after being alerted that Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, was sexually abusing children. The scandal tainted one of college football's leading coaches, the late Joe Paterno, and led to his firing last year along with other top school officials.
The punishment, announced by the National College Athletic Association at a news conference in Indianapolis, was unprecedented for its swiftness and breadth. It was the latest blow to an institution still reeling from Sandusky's conviction last month on child molestation charges.
The case was another blotch on the diminishing legacy of Paterno, who until Monday's action had held the record for victories among big-time U.S. college football coaches in a career that spanned more than 40 seasons. Paterno lost that status since the NCAA's punishment includes voiding the Nittany Lions' victories between 1998 and 2011 - the time period covering when allegations against Sandusky were first made and Sandusky's arrest.
The Paterno family said on Monday the NCAA's actions "defame the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him best."
"This is not a fair or thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public's understandable revulsion at what Sandusky did," the statement said.
Later on Monday, the Big Ten Conference of college sports announced Penn State would forfeit its share of revenues for bowl games organized by the league, and the estimated $13 million would instead be donated to charities devoted to the protection of children.
Emmert said the NCAA chose not to levy the so-called "death penalty" because it would have harmed individuals with no role in the Sandusky scandal.
"This case involves tragic and tragically unnecessary circumstances," Emmert said. "One of the grave damages stemming from our love of sports is that the sports themselves can become too big to fail, indeed too big to even challenge. The result can be an erosion of academic values that are replaced by the value of hero worship and winning at all costs.
"In the Penn State case, the results were perverse and unconscionable," he said. "No price the NCAA can levy will repair the grievous damage inflicted by Jerry Sandusky on his victims. However, we can make clear that the culture, actions and inactions that allowed them to be victimized will not be tolerated in collegiate athletics."
In June, Sandusky, 68, was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years. He awaits sentencing and could be given as many as 373 years in prison.
This month, former FBI director Louis Freeh released a report that criticized Paterno, who led Penn State to national championships in 1982 and 1986, for his role in protecting Sandusky and the school's image at the expense of young victims.
The NCAA penalty was handed down one day after Penn State removed a statue of Paterno, known to adoring fans as JoPa, from in front of the university football stadium.
Bill O'Brien, Paterno's successor as head coach, said in a statement he was "committed for the long term to Penn State and our student athletes."
"I knew when I accepted the position that there would be tough times ahead," he said. "I was then and I remain convinced that our student athletes are the best in the country. I could not be more proud to lead this team and these courageous and humble young men into the upcoming 2012 season."
Alan Milstein, a sports lawyer who took on the NFL over its eligibility rules, said he agreed with much of the penalty but faulted the NCAA's decision to reduce scholarships and impose a hefty fine.
"I don't know how you can say that money does not come out of essentially the students' pockets, whether it results in increased tuition or a lessening of academic services."
But Jerry Parkinson, law professor at the University of Wyoming and former member of the NCAA infractions committee, predicted "the donors/true believers in Penn State will step up to the plate so that the financial penalty can be absorbed without the impact of some of the other penalties."
College football is a huge generator of money for major U.S. universities such as Penn State because of large television contracts and the millions of ticket sales. Penn State's program was rated the third most valuable by Forbes magazine.
The NCAA acted with unprecedented speed, relying on Freeh's findings instead of conducting its own investigation, though Emmert said the NCAA reserves the right to conduct its own investigation at a later time.
Freeh's report, commissioned by the university's board of trustees and released on July 12, said Paterno and other high-ranking school officials covered up Sandusky's actions for years while demonstrating a callous disregard for victims.
Paterno was fired by Penn State's board in November, days after Sandusky was arrested for the abuse. Paterno died in January of lung cancer.
In 2001, graduate assistant Mike McQueary witnessed Sandusky assaulting a boy in the showers at the Penn State athletic complex. McQueary told Paterno, who told Athletic Director Tim Curley, who subsequently talked with then-university Vice President Gary Schultz and university President Graham Spanier. No one went to the police.
Spanier was fired in November at the same time as Paterno. Curley and Schultz have been charged with perjury for allegedly lying to a grand jury investigating Sandusky and for failing to report suspected child abuse. They have pleaded not guilty.
The university also is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education for possible violations of the Clery Act, which requires colleges to collect and report daily and annual crime statistics and issue timely warnings.
(Additional reporting by Greg McCune, Barbara Goldberg, Joseph O'Leary and Ellen Wulfhorst; Writing by Dan Burns; Editing by Bill Trott)
1. Play Video
Jerry Sandusky's Crimes Covered Up: Report
NCAA Punishes Penn State In Wake Of Jerry Sandusky's …
Penn State University student Laura Lovins and fellow …
Penn State Community Reacts To Removal Of Joe Paterno …
• Photo: A worker puts up tarps on a temporary fence around the statue of the late Penn State …
• Photo: Workers put up tarps on a temporary fence around the statue of the late Penn State …
• Photo: People react after the statue of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was removed …
• Photo: People react after the statue of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was removed …
• Photo: Workers wrap the statue of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno as they prepare …
• Photo: Workers wrap the statue of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno before removing …
• Article: Factbox: Key comments, reaction to NCAA sanctions on Penn State
Reuters - 3 hours ago
• Article: Factbox: NCAA sanctions against Penn State in Sandusky case
Reuters - 3 hours ago
• Article: Penn State will forfeit $13 million from Big Ten bowl ban
Reuters - 3 hours ago
• Article: Family says NCAA sanctions on Penn State "defame" Paterno's legacy
John Paul II statues worldwide
Guadalupe, Statue of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul Tribute Called 'Ugly'
The 16-foot bronze sculpture was meant as a tribute to the late pontiff, unveiled on what would have been his 91st birthday. When the sculpture was put on display on the 18th May, the consensus was clear: get rid of it.
Artist Oliviero Rainaldi’s vision of the late pope has been widely criticized. The abstract base of the sculpture is meant to symbolize the pontiff’s cloak, open as John Paul II offers shelter to those in need. But the public is more concerned with how little resemblance the face bears to the man himself. In fact, many critics have pointed out that the statue’s head looks more like Mussolini than John Paul II.
The Vatican approved initial sketches, but the modernist sculpture has left something to be desire. The Catholic Church praised the idea, but added that it was "hardly able to be recognized," and that was “the statue’s sin”